Lesson 2 - Three Lush Notes
Welcome to Your 2nd Piano Lesson
Here you will be playing your fist piece of music. I have attached a jpeg below for you to print out whilst waiting for the Hey Presto! Piano Method to arrive.
We will be covering the following
1. Your first 3 notes including Middle C
2.Time signature
3. Recognising simple patterns.
4. Legato Playing
5. The Sustain Pedal basics
6. Wrist rotation - Introduction
Lesson Summary
Welcome to your second piano lesson! In this lesson, you'll be playing your first piece of music. We will cover the following topics:
- Your first 3 notes including Middle C
- Time signature
- Recognising simple patterns
- Legato Playing
- The Sustain Pedal basics
- Wrist rotation - Introduction
A jpeg is included for you to print out whilst awaiting the Hey Presto! Piano Method.